Łętowo Manor (Pomerania)

Dwór w Łętowie, Łętowo

Manor houses in Pomerania: Łętowo (Dwór w Łętowie)

Łętowo is a small former estate village with origins in the 16th century between the settlement Gardkowice and the village Słajkowo in Pomerania. The current appearance dates back to the beginning of the 20th century; a simple building on a rectangular ground plan with a developed mansard and side extensions. The entrance is preceded by a small porch with wooden paneling.

After 1945 Łętowo was a nationally owned estate (PGR - Państwowe gospodarstwo rolne). The manor house was a residential building with three rental apartments until the 2000s. In 2019, it is abandoned and in need of renovation. In addition to outbuildings partially used for storage, a former distillery building remains on the estate.

Abandoned manor in Pomerania: Łętowo
Manor Łętowo in Pomerania: Back view

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