Let's buy and save a castle

Steffen Seibel
Thu, 10/14/2021
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Poland, Debrzno-Wieś. They call themselves a normal family. A young couple with two small children and limited financial possibilities. Their project is ambitious, but not impossible: within a short time the family was able to mobilise many people who want to support them somehow. The first act has succeeded.

"Ratujemy Pałac", in English: "We're saving a castle!" That's a simple description of the mission of Bartosz Cent. He was looking for a big house in Poland, if possible with room for 3 families. He had never thought that it would end up being an old and long uninhabited castle in the north of Greater Poland, but in the end his decision was not so far-fetched.

Wide range of listed properties in Poland

He has seen many castles and manor houses for sale in Poland on the Internet and was amazed at what you can find in the Polish countryside. However, the sight of some of the houses made him sad. While many historic houses have been excellently renovated, some other former feudal buildings, especially in the rural regions of Poland, are leading a dreary existence. "We Poles have the reputation of being excellent craftsmen," the young man sums up his visits. Nonetheless, those around him have tried to make it clear to him on several occasions that for non-millionaires, buying a property like this borders on "madness". But he wanted to set an example and felt called upon to do something about the decay of Poland's cultural monuments.

Love at first sight

When his wife became aware of the sale of the palace in the small village of Debrzno, it was love at first sight. The building, the size, the plot of land, the surroundings and above all the purchase price fitted and soon it was clear: "We are buying a palace! For the equivalent of less than 80,000 EUR the family, despite all warnings, becomes the owner of the manor house and its park, which is the defining feature of the village.

Many helpers thanks to Facebook: The work begins

Bartosz Cent immediately sought helpers, created a Facebook page and within a few weeks reached thousands of people who were interested in his project and who wanted to support him in renovating the castle. He had not expected this: After his announcement on the Internet, they were suddenly there: volunteers and mostly foreign helpers from all over Poland who made themselves available for the first work assignments in the park. Even the television was there to document the event. Soon the first meeting with architects is planned. Then a restoration study is to be carried out, a restoration plan drawn up and financial subsidies applied for.

What are the plans for the castle?

If all goes well, he plans to move in here with his family and his parents-in-law in three years' time. The castle will become a multi-generational house, but the residents also want to open the doors for cultural events: Exhibitions, concerts and a small private museum about the history of the castle are already planned.

Restoration of historic buildings: gathering and sharing experience

As a bourgeois new owner of the castle, Bartosz Cent wants to encourage other potential buyers and show that you do not always have to have unlimited capital if you want to save old houses and make them habitable again. He would like to document his progress in the reconstruction of the castle in Debrzno-Wieś and make the collected knowledge available to interested parties. Even if the prelude is successful and the sympathy is overwhelming - the family is well aware: A long breath, a lot of work, perseverance and above all many permanent helpers are the indispensable building block on the way from ruins to the dream castle for normal earners.

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The castle in Debrzno-Wieś (former name "Dobrin Castle" in Prussian Friedland) is located in the commune of Lipka in the Polish voivodeship of Wielkopolska, on the border with the Pomerania region. It was built at the end of the 19th century in neoclassical forms with a massive tower extension. It is a registered monument of Poland.

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