Old Castle in North Poland: Ełk

Zamkowa 1, Ełk

The last remains of the castle in Ełk (Lyck in historic East Prussia), whose origins date back to the late 14th century.

Its function as a once powerful castle of the Order is no longer recognizable today. Since the end of the 19th century, the castle, which was rebuilt several times, served as a prison until the 1970s. The structures of this use can still be clearly recognized, among other things, a remaining watchtower on the lake side of the castle can be seen in the picture.

Already many years ago a hotel complex was planned. So far, only extensive archaeological research has been carried out on the site, which has resulted in a wealth of new historical findings. A brief summary with the recommended reading Zamek w Ełku. Tajemnice wydobyte z przeszłości (Castle in Ełk. Excavated Secrets of the Past) can be found by interested readers on the site of the company archtech.pl, which carried out the archaeological investigations in the course of the planned construction project.

One can hope that sooner or later the starting signal for the redevelopment will be given on this site after all. The location on the small lake island (Jezioro Ełckie) is unique and virtually predestined for tourist use.

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