Old church for sale - conversion to residential use possible!

78591 Durchhausen, Vordere Kirchgasse 6, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

205,245 GBP
  1. EUR 248.000
  2. Basis for negotiation
  1. Church
  2. Constructed 1634
  3. Last modernization 1993
  4. Listed
  5. 100 m² Living space
  6. 300 m² Floor area
  7. 925 m² Property size
  8. 3 Floors

Discover an interesting historic property in Southern Germany with a 400-year history.


The building is freely situated on a small village square on the edge of the center of Durchhausen. Behind it is a large, flat plot surrounded by bushes and trees.

The massive structure, with external dimensions of approximately 9.5 × 24 m, houses a large hall inside of about 130 m² and another hexagonal room of about 32 m², both about 5.50 m high. On the north side, there is an annex with two additional rooms measuring 12 and 17 m². The column-free roof structure from the 17th and 18th centuries spans the entire building without subdivisions.

The former chuch building has been used as a workshop and storage space for over 30 years, previously serving as the village's gymnasium for a long time. Originally built as the village church "St. Otmar" in the early 17th century, it was given up in the late 1950s and transferred into private hands.

The property could continue to be used as a simple workshop in its current form, requiring only a few manageable technical facilities.

However, to give the historically significant building a more sustainable use, the current owners have projected various options for integrating residential use complementary to the workshop. The developed designs illustrate possible future living structures that follow the existing historical building substance. These can be realized without profound interventions, in a simple and monumentally appropriate manner, and can be reliably budgeted.

It is possible to create living space of 80 to 100 m² with a built-up area of 300 to 480 cubic meters each, in addition to the studio. Of course, manageable combinations of residential and office spaces can also be developed from the existing designs.

The basic structure of the masonry and the roof construction is in an overall very good condition, corresponding to its age. Some essential renovations on the west and north sides were already carried out in 1993.


"Old Church"
78591 Durchhausen
Vordere Kirchgasse 6

Total plot size: approximately 925 sqm;
Parcel numbers: 7 and 7/103,
district Durchhausen;

Garden and open space: approximately 700 sqm; Total building areas: approximately 400 sqm;

The plot is connected to all utility lines. All connections are within the property.

The building is a cultural monument according to the Baden-Württemberg Monument Protection Act. Consequently, funding opportunities and tax benefits are available.

Upon request, further restoration can be supervised, organized, and carried out by us.

Joachim Faitsch, Office for Building Research and Monument Conservation. Consulting and restoration of historical buildings:

Roland Faitsch, Specialist for Monument Conservation, Traditional Wood and Forge Works:

Legal info

Private Seller
Joachim Faitsch
Ippichen 1
77709 Wolfach, DE
Mobile: +49 175 8062760
Joachim FaitschWe speak Deutsch 
Private Seller
  • Updated
    21 days ago
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