Country manor for renovation in attractive natural setting

Orłów-Parcel, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland

GBP 374,749
  1. PLN 1 900 000
Exempt from property tax 
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The following information provides an overview and may vary.

Property tax
Changes to the tax exemption and regulations may occur depending on use. For further information, please contact the seller.
  1. Manor House
  2. Constructed 1880
  3. 2,000 m² Total area
  4. 9,000 m² Property size
  5. 1 Floors

We are selling our country manor in an attractive natural location between Poznań and Warsaw.

The area is ecologically clean and part of the "NATURA 2000" protected zone. To the south of the building are extensive meadows, and the Bzura River flows 300 meters away. Further in the distance lies a forest where many interesting bird and animal species can be observed.

The building in need of renovation is an elongated, plastered brick structure, and the roof is covered with tar paper. Part of the house has been renovated and is occupied. The windows in the occupied part are PVC, while the old wooden windows are still present in the rest of the house. Additionally, the manor house retains original features such as parquet floors, wooden double doors, an antique tiled stove, and the original wooden staircase. The property is exempt from property tax due to its status as a historic monument.

All utilities are available:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • On-site sewage system
  • Heating system (only in the inhabited part)

The property is accessible via a paved asphalt road. The highway entrance is located 15 km away.

Please call us for further information (Polish language): +48 601 532 293

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